Alt+F - opens the config screen, here you can enter the category names (one per line), set the score for each row and set the length of the timer
Alt+Enter - switches to/from full-screen (Windows only, on Itch use the button in the bottom right corner)
While your pointer is over a game piece press:
q (or Left Mouse Button) - to assign it to Team A (Red/Left)
e (or Right Mouse Button) - to assign it to Team B (Blue/Right)
w (or Middle Mouse Button) - to flag it as lost
s - to reset it to the original state
t - to start the timer

(Simplified) Rules:
Prepare a set of categories and for each also prepare three questions ranging in difficulty. Enter the category names, along with how much score should be for each difficulty level, into the software. After that show the game-board to your friends/classroom/etc. and let them choose categories and difficulties. If they answer correctly the corresponding piece is theirs and the software calculates their current score accordingly. If they lose, you can either make the space unavailable by using 'w' or leave it for the other team to answer. The team that has more points at the end, when the time or questions run out, wins.

Have fun ;)

Risk! by TV Nova, inspired by Jeopardy! by NBC
Assets by Kenney


Windows (32-bit) 14 MB
Version 1.0.2 Dec 02, 2022
Windows (64-bit) 15 MB
Version 1.0.2 Dec 02, 2022
Source Code 137 kB
Version 1.0.1 Oct 11, 2022

Install instructions

Windows: You'll need a software like 7-Zip to unzip the file.
Source code: You'll need a software like 7-Zip to unzip the file, and Godot to be able to work with the project.

Development log

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